“…I address you thus: money cannot make you virtuous, but a good soul can acquire it. All goodness, whether in your private or public life, can be obtained by being virtuous. If by teaching these things I lead the youth astray from the right path, I admit that I am guilty. But if anyone says that what I teach has nothing to do with these things, know that he is certainly lying. Men of Athens, engrave all these things in your minds. Whether you believe Anytus or not, whether you acquit me or not, all these things are unimportant to me. All you need to know is that even if I have to die a thousand times, I will never turn back from my path…
If you kill me, it will not be easy for you to find a horsefly like me, whom God has placed on your head so that you can move this state, which is both large and of a breed, but is heavy and needs constant prodding, like a horse. I am a horsefly that God has placed on your head, constantly running around, trying to convince each of you by criticizing you. It will be difficult to find someone like me, so do not even think of depriving yourself of me…”
-Plato- Socrates' Defense-